Boost Conversion Rates with Product Images

Did you know that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text?* How about the fact that 40% of people will respond better to visual information than plain text?* It's no secret that people...

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Beware of Fragmentation

From social media tools to viral videos to apps, it seems new marketing channels emerge every day. Consequently, marketers often feel the need to stretch existing campaigns to incorporate new popular channels. But through these efforts to maintain relevance, marketing...

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The Power of Remarketing

Any marketer knows that it's far easier to keep an existing customer than create a new one. Remarketing is all about capitalizing on this principle. But what exactly is remarketing? Put simply, remarketing is the practice of segmenting consumers based on how they have...

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Social Customer Service

I read an article recently that said only 11% of people expect to receive customer service through social media. Since everyone and their grandma uses social media I found this statistic surprisingly low (as did the author of the article). By encouraging your...

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Consistency and your brand

Everyone knows that its important to maintain branding consistency.   The logo and colors on your site, should match your shirts, business cards, etc.  But what about your social media and online presences?  Twitter icon updated, check.  Facebook logo updated, check....

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